Crematorium provides cash boost to two Leicester charities
Two Leicester charities have received valuable cash boosts thanks to donations from Great Glen Crematorium.
Kaleidoscope, a daycare centre of adults with profound and multiple learning difficulties, has received £1,000 and the Laura Centre, which supports families when a child dies or is bereaved, received £2,000.
The money was raised from Great Glen Crematorium’s metal recycling scheme.
With the consent of families, metals recovered during cremation are recycled and any money raised is used to support charities and other worthy causes in the communities surrounding every crematorium and cemetery which are part of Westerleigh Group.
Westerleigh Group is the UK’s largest independent owner and operator of crematoria and cemeteries, with 36 sites in England, Scotland and Wales, all set within beautifully-landscaped gardens of remembrance which provide pleasant, peaceful places for people to visit and reflect.
Harvey Watson, site manager at Great Glen Crematorium, paid a visit to Kaleidoscope, which was established by parents in partnership with Praxis Care.
He said: “I was given a tour of the facility with Randip Samra, one of the managers on site, and I met some of the adults who use the service.
“I know that our donation was very welcomed and will help them further improve some of the services they provide.
“The facility is amazing, with Light Therapy Rooms which are also used for Yoga.”
Ever since Great Glen Crematorium opened five years ago, it has supported the Laura Centre, which is run by the charity COPE.
COPE was founded in 1988 by Gail and Harry Moore while their daughter Laura was in treatment for Leukaemia.
Following her death, they opened The Laura Centre in October 1991 to provide therapeutic support to anyone bereaved of a child or young person. Three years later the service was extended to include support for children bereaved of a parent or carer.
Harvey said: “A death in the family of a child or parent is a devastating and traumatic loss.
“The valuable support offered by The Laura Centre recognises the lifelong impact of such a loss and that there are no easy answers. They work to help each individual find their own way to cope.
“Both organisations provide incredible support to people when they need it most, and it’s an honour for us to be able to assist them by donating funds which I know will be put to very good use for the benefit of local people.”